Sunday, April 23, 2006

Well, here I am in answer to the question 'where are you?' I am here, clear, waiting for the food to kick in so my blood sugar will even out. So many hours without eating is a no, no and I know better. However, I was so caught up with this morning's exercise that I forgot to bring food and eat something during the am.
Shechekhianu, I was welcomed into the Jewish community this morning by the Young Jewish Leaders with Johan creating a path for me. I am in awe of how well it went, how not intimidated I was and how easy it was to engage them in conversation and speak with them about Hebrew Wisdom. To share some of what I know and what I learned from my teachers. I am happy, wanting more affirmations and yet truly thanking G!D for sending me off into the wilderness to experience the mystery of life. I was smart to go. If I keep walking the path Who knows what will happen. I even considered doing this for other organizations within the Jewish world. Was not one fo the dreams, to build community within the community? To do some o f the healing that needs to be done in my world. Alina's affirmations were helpful also to remind me of all my options if I think there are only one or two. If I leave or if I stay there are multiple options.
The weekend with Gershom and Miriam was perfect; grounding me in Hebrew wisdom and the Hebrew language. I have lots of notes and will integrate them into my repetoire. Coming in new to an already created community takes patience and not allowing the mind to set upwalls. It works, I was myself and I am pleased with my decision even though there were moments of doubt. Oh, that darm Amalek, what does he know about my ability to love myself and strengthen my soul's journey.
So making plans to see Sheila, my good buddy from high school. She sounds just like she did in high school. I am sure she does not look the same. It will be fun aligning the two images. So next weekend looks like fun. I am cautioned to stay present, yet the mind ran off to next weekend missing the whole week of fun. Oh, well, at least I connected with Sheila and we will get together for lunch. G!D willing.
So there is today and tonight. Finishing a project and going to Minyan for Chico and carrying the Torah with the other rabbanim of the Triad. What a holy day this has turned out to be. How blessed I am to be alive. Tears well: I am beginning to find out what home feels like. Another circle of being welcomed into after years of being in the desert. I notice that I have swallowed harda nd that the throat is constricted as it narrows the connection between my head and my body. G!D bless me and all whom I love for yet another moment in time. Halleuyah.


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